Jordan's Crossing Herbal Connections

Feb 26, 2024

Almost the end of February. Impossible! But here we are. This month marked a bit of a personal milestone for me. On the 15th I turned the big 6-0. I have to admit. It feels a little strange. Like, I can no longer fool myself that I'm immortal; which if I'm honest--I've always tended to believe. You know, I've lost people, seen others go through stuff, heard stories... but still, you somehow never really think death is going to happen to you. I've heard relatives in their 80's remark, "how did we get here?" I recently ran across a meme (which I put below) that talks about we all feel young because the spirit doesn't age. I found that sooo insightful. I still remember being a joyful 7 year old, a miserable 13, a youthful adult, a going-on middle-ager. I don't feel 60. I feel like I did when I was 30-40-50-something. I certainly wouldn't want to revisit some of those years, and wouldn't want to give up the wisdom that comes with my age, but I don't "feel" that old on the inside....tho' the gray hairs and abundant wrinkles belie that notion on the outside.👵

Anyways... God is kind and that's enough musings. 😉 There's a new article up on the site. It's a challenge for Christians as to where is your faith being placed? It's a little pointed, but please don't read it as frothy. It's questions I myself have been challenged on in the past. Also, some reruns about using essential oils medicinally and not just for aromas, and another on what aromas are actually good for you and what's not. I have some articles on Frankincense in the works and coming soon, as well as some cool spiritual connections to go along w that. Also, in the back of my mind is an article continuing on thoughts about screens.

If ya need any of our stuff, don't forget to stop in at the Farmacy in Ocelata. Look 'em up on facebook (there's an article below on that as well). And you can always message us or email at

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Faith in Man or Faith in God?

Faith in Man or Faith in God?
I haven’t known how to say this, and I don’t know how to say it delicately, but I’ve seen it for a long, long time and it’s something much on my heart of late. So, I’m just going to plop it all down right here off the cuff. Please take the time to read all of this or you'll jump …

Categories: bible, Health Issues, spiritual

Powerful Little Treasure Troves of Healing

Powerful Little Treasure Troves of Healing
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for a good smell, and all for using essential oils to enhance moods, help with emotional constraints, and being able make a room smell delish without using chemicals. They do an excellent job at this. However, what really makes my heart kick up its heels is using essential oils as herbal medicine for real-time …

Categories: Essential Oils, Health Issues

All Those Good Smellie's Disrupt Your Hormones

All Those Good Smellie's Disrupt Your Hormones
I don't know about you, but it seems like there's an inordinate amount of commercials on TV about smells. Laundry detergents, dryer beads, room scent, candles, etc. They're cute and catchy and make you feel good, but every time I see one, I can't help but shudder and cringe. All those synthesized smells, while seemingly luscious and comforting mentally and …

Categories: auto-immune, Essential Oils, Health Issues, Hormones

Ditch the Screens, Grab a Book, Heal Your Brain

Ditch the Screens, Grab a Book, Heal Your Brain
Ok. So. I’ve been reading a book called, “The Shallows; What the Internet is Doing to our Brains.” It’s by Nicholas Carr. It was written around 2010. I haven’t gotten but a few chapters into it, but it already has me reeling a little bit. It SO PERFECTLY describes my sense of a lack of focus and patterns of change …

Categories: addiction, brain health, spiritual

Where You Can Find Us Now that the Market is Over for the Year

Where You Can Find Us Now that the Market is Over for the Year
Well, we wrapped up the Farmer's Market this last Saturday for 2023. It was a Pooh Bear's kind of blustery day, but fun just the same. So now for the next few months until we open again you can find some of our products at the FARMacy Barn to Table Market. It’s located at 205 S. Ochelata St. in Ochelata …

Categories: Website Announcements
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Healthy Healing Digest is published from Barnsdall, Oklahoma 74002
Mary B. Wine, CCAT, NHC
Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Counselor

Copyright © Jordan's Crossing 2017-2024
FDA Disclaimer: The statements and products shown in this newsletter have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified physician prior to use.

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