Jordan's Crossing Herbal Connections

Jan 29, 2024

It seems impossible that we are at the end of January already. It's been a quiet, healing month around here. Unbusy, which was very much needed. I have quite a few articles in the works, but only one new one published. It's about using essential oils medicinally which is a great boon to your immune-boosting routines, so be sure to check it out when you have a couple minutes to read.

Other things on my mind-- The Chosen is coming out in theaters during February. If you can go, you should. If you've never heard of The Chosen, you're missing out! It's a crowd-funded tv show on the life of Jesus and his disciples. I know when I first saw the ads for it on FB, I thought it was just another "Jesus Junk" show. I couldn't have been more wrong. It's been such a blessing to my spiritual life. It's like the bible coming alive like you've never seen it. As soon as it's run is done in theaters (which helps to make more money to pay for the show and continue it's run), it will be coming out on the app.

Another thing much on my mind is Agenda: Grinding America Down. If you've been wondering what in the world is going on in our country... nothing making sense... everything seems upside down, inside out and backwards... this movie explains it all. I know we were dumbfounded when we first watched 3 years ago. But it made everything make sense and it's still bringing clarity. It's totally worth the money.

See you in February, Lord willing! Enjoy....
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Powerful Little Treasure Troves of Healing

Powerful Little Treasure Troves of Healing
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for a good smell, and all for using essential oils to enhance moods, help with emotional constraints, and being able make a room smell delish without using chemicals. They do an excellent job at this. However, what really makes my heart kick up its heels is using essential oils as herbal medicine for real-time …

Categories: Essential Oils, Health Issues

All Those Good Smellie's Disrupt Your Hormones

All Those Good Smellie's Disrupt Your Hormones
I don't know about you, but it seems like there's an inordinate amount of commercials on TV about smells. Laundry detergents, dryer beads, room scent, candles, etc. They're cute and catchy and make you feel good, but every time I see one, I can't help but shudder and cringe. All those synthesized smells, while seemingly luscious and comforting mentally and …

Categories: auto-immune, Essential Oils, Health Issues, Hormones

Ditch the Screens, Grab a Book, Heal Your Brain

Ditch the Screens, Grab a Book, Heal Your Brain
Ok. So. I’ve been reading a book called, “The Shallows; What the Internet is Doing to our Brains.” It’s by Nicholas Carr. It was written around 2010. I haven’t gotten but a few chapters into it, but it already has me reeling a little bit. It SO PERFECTLY describes my sense of a lack of focus and patterns of change …

Categories: addiction, brain health, spiritual
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Healthy Healing Digest is published from Barnsdall, Oklahoma 74002
Mary B. Wine, CCAT, NHC
Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Counselor

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