Jordan's Crossing Herbal Connections

June 29, 2023

I'm sending out a distress signal! I'm good, but feeling harried a little. June has been another busy month with the Market in full swing. I do much better with writing more regularly during the slower autumn months and off-season. But, being so busy has it's own perks because we get to see and interact with many of you!

'Resources' have been on my brain lately. It's getting harder and harder to access information on the web about natural and alternative forms of health, so I put together a page with alot of the websites I use and have used over the years. I hope you'll find it helpful. Also packed some other past articles in this issue that you may find interesting. There's an herbal Shingles protocol that we used a few years ago, some natural deodorant options that are effective, and also a smoothie recipe that's that bomb! Then too the pics at the end of this newsletter hit on some personal things I've been learning and going through.

We hope you'll come visit us at the Bartlesville Farmers Market some Saturday! We'd love to meet you. If you have any essential oil questions or natural health questions, just ask. I'm a certified clinical aromatherapist and a certified natural health counselor. We can chat at the Market or email works great too: See you soon!
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Natural Websites

Natural Websites
It’s no secret nowadays. Natural things are disappearing from view on the internet. When you search for anything health related all the top websites that come up are medical or drug oriented. Even when you put the words “natural” or “herbal” in the sites that come up are medical ones with their ideas on natural and herbal. (Sites like Healthline …

Categories: Health Issues, Healthy Food, herbs, Medicinal, Recipes, Uncategorized

Joy in the Bittersweet

Joy in the Bittersweet
I visited the eye doctor the other day. And like always at every new doctor, my stroke from 8 years ago comes up. Which is a necessity. I’m not complaining. It’s been about 5 years since last seeing an eye doc, and because I still struggle with vertigo since the stroke, we were curious to know if there was any …

Categories: Health Issues, spiritual, stroke recovery

Effective Natural Treatment for Shingles

Effective Natural Treatment for Shingles
 Shingles. If you've ever had them before, you're cringing at just the name. Think: extreme pain. My husband had a bad case of them a couple-three years ago. They were on his chest and back. It was bad enough that he actually missed several days of work (and if you know my husband you know how strange that is). Shingles …

Shoo-- Shoo-- Shoobug!

‘Tis the season... mosquito season, that is! And with all the rain and leftover standing water we’ve had in our area, it’s BAD. You can hardly walk outside without getting swarmed. I usually take a walk in the early mornings in the summer, and this year, every time I hit a shady patch, they’re buzzing in my ears.? Dumb things. …

Cool & Slimming Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie

Cool & Slimming Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie
I confess, I've been indulging in this alot since the weather has finally turned warm and stayed there. It's become my favorite lunch lately, but I've also made smaller amounts for afternoon and evening gratification. It hits the spot for ...well, everything. Lol. I've had a hard time figuring out what to name it. It's actually more ice-cream-like, but since …

Vinegar... as Deodorant??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar as ...Deodorant?? Oh yes! Hear me out. Don’t wrinkle that nose. Lol. ACV is amazing stuff! We have used it for soooo many things with great success. My new favorite way to use it over these last summer months has been as a deodorant spritzer. Since it’s a fermented beverage it’s great for killing the bad bacteria …
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Healthy Healing Digest is published from Barnsdall, Oklahoma 74002
Mary B. Wine, CCAT, NHC
Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Counselor

Copyright © Jordan's Crossing 2017-2023
FDA Disclaimer: The statements and products shown in this newsletter have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified physician prior to use.

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