
April 27, 2023

Almost seems impossible that it's the end of April already! Been getting super duper serious about making stuff for the upcoming Market Season which starts May 6th this year. Been working on making sprays, deodorants, new Lava Rock diffuser bracelets to go with our earrings and necklaces. Got lots of our salves made, with a new Clover Salve that's specifically for eczema sufferers. Been experimenting with new Lower Carb recipes to sell too like Blueberry Cobbler and Peach Cream Bake. Lots of great new stuff this season! Then too there's the "old stuff" we still offer: Magnesium Oil that I use myself every nite, our Nurture Packs that are affordable, effective aromatherapy for a variety of issues, also Herbal Teas, sunscreen, soaps, and even more than that which is in the online store! I utterly hate sounding like a walking commercial, so I'll stop for now. Lol.

There's a couple new articles on the site that you'll see below. God's been doing some good things lately in our lives. Hope he's doing the same for you. If not, just wait, cuz the good is coming!

Many blessings and much love,
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Natural Websites

Natural Websites
It’s no secret nowadays. Natural things are disappearing from view on the internet. When you search for anything health related all the top websites that come up are medical or drug oriented. Even when you put the words “natural” or “herbal” in the sites that come up are medical ones with their ideas on natural and herbal. (Sites like Healthline …

Categories: Health Issues, Healthy Food, herbs, Medicinal, Recipes, Uncategorized

Joy in the Bittersweet

Joy in the Bittersweet
I visited the eye doctor the other day. And like always at every new doctor, my stroke from 8 years ago comes up. Which is a necessity. I’m not complaining. It’s been about 5 years since last seeing an eye doc, and because I still struggle with vertigo since the stroke, we were curious to know if there was any …

Categories: Health Issues, spiritual, stroke recovery

Holy Moly, I Like Those Rollies!

Holy Moly, I Like Those Rollies!
One of the things were going to be offering more of at the market this year is essential oils as Rollies. What in the world is a “Rollie”? It’s a Roller bottle filled with a carrier oil (like Almond oil, Olive oil or Coconut oil most often) w essential oils added. Why would we do that? Tbh, it’s my preferred …

Categories: Essential Oils, Health Issues, Medicinal

Patience in Suffering

Patience in Suffering
Yesterday was a good day. A really good day. Today is not. Bad night.... so bad day. I was talking to the Lord about it and complaining a bit, and feeling the familiar frustration of one step forward, two steps back. He whispered to my heart that I needed patience. That brought me up short. Me? 😧I'm always the one …

Categories: bible, spiritual, stroke recovery
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Healthy Healing Digest is published from Barnsdall, Oklahoma 74002
Mary B. Wine, CCAT, NHC
Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Counselor

Copyright © Jordan's Crossing 2017-2023
FDA Disclaimer: The statements and products shown in this newsletter have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified physician prior to use.

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