Tea, Tea, and More Tea!

Hi everyone! Tea, Tea, and More Tea! That’s been the story of my life these last few days as we’ve been gearing up for the opening of the Bartlesville Farmer’s Market. We begin the 2015 season on Saturday, May 2nd -which is only a couple-three weekends from now. Can’t wait to start being able to get good, home-grown veggies again.The stuff in the grocery store doesn’t hold a candle in comparison, neither in taste or quality and nutrition.

And while we’re not selling any veggies, we’ve got lots of herbs to work with to make teas. Some herbs we grow in our back yard, some we’ve wild-crafted from fields and along out-of-the-way roadsides, and some we buy from trusted sources. The selection of teas we’ve chosen to offer reflect some of the herbs we’ve found helpful and beneficial to our own health over the years.

Here are some Singles (individual herbs) that we offer:

Nettle: Yes, this is the stinging plant that you’re probably familiar with, which once dried poses no threat as far as it’s stinging properties. It grows in our back yard and pasture in abundance. It’s a powerhouse of nutrients and an excellent herb for those who are anemic. A cleansing herb and a traditional Spring Tonic. Beneficial for allergies.

Plantain: Some kind friends allow us into their back yard to harvest this abundant herb. Unassuming and ordinary, it’s traditionally known for it’s “first aid” qualities to help on the spot with cuts, scrapes, stings, etc. But it’s internal healing ability for problems like ulcer or gastritis or UTI’s can be just as potent. It’s regarded as a nourishing and versatile tonic.

Yarrow: This is the stuff that looks like ferns coming up in your back yard. We have tons of it growing here. The tea is used traditionally as a wound-healer, and fever-reducer, and as a women’s herb that can help with painful or heavy periods. Not necessarily tasty by any means, yet the benefits more than make up for the bitterness. The taste has the strange quality of growing on you over time. Some use it as an herbal replacement for coffee.

Red Raspberry Leaf: A traditional “women’s herb” often used in pregnancy to reduce morning sickness and prevent miscarriage. It tones the uterus in preparation for birth. Another powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients. It’s also very helpful in cases of diarrhea. A good children’s herb. Yummy and tasty.

Linden: You can find Linden most often planted as decoration in parks or along sidewalks. Highly regarded for helping to improve sleep and reduce tension and anxiety. A traditional herb for heart-related problems like throbbing headache, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, restless legs, and general agitation. A totally wonderful, flowery-tasting herb; one of my favorites.

Chamomile: Another abundant, ordinary herb. Chamomile is able to relieve digestive issues for everything from infant colic to adult indigestion, and at the same time it induces relaxation. Strong chamomile teas have been used for both headaches and migraines around the world and Chamomile is considered by many to be one of the most reliable treatments for menstrual cramps. Very tasty.

I’ll share more in subsequent posts about some of the Tea Blends I’ve been working on. 🙂

Hope you have a wonderful evening! Come see us at the Market on Saturday May 2nd from 8:00am to 11:30am.

much love,



The purpose of Jordan’s Crossing Herbal Connections is to promote the sharing of information about healthy, natural products and dietary supplements. JCHC’s views and opinions are INFORMATIONAL ONLY and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you are sick, injured or pregnant, please consult a licensed health care professional.

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