Some Savvy Salves

Howdy, πŸ™‚
Been workin on the website lately and updating some out-of-date photos of products. It’s slow-going for the most part, but kinda fun to see how far we’ve come as far as packaging and labeling.

Last year we were working on the fly much of the time. Things took off faster than we were prepared for and so we just used resources that were immediately available. Like, for instance, much of our products were in travel containers that we picked up at Walmart. We actually cleaned out several Walmarts in the area before the summer was over. It was rather funny seeing people’s faces when we’d check out with 25+ spray bottles, 20 salve containers, and a dozen or more other types of containers at a time. πŸ˜‰ It was also more expensive doing things this way.

Well, we’ve gotten a little more savvy since then and found a couple good places online to pick up bottles and containers. It’s kinda nice, cuz on some things we can actually offer our customers larger sizes while our cost is the same or even less.

imageOur Salves are one item where this holds true. Last year, we offered our salves in half-ounce plastic containers. This year we’re able to offer 1 full ounce in a very nice (ok, I’m dying to say it: β€œcute little”) tin container. So essentially, we’re able to give twice the amount of product while keeping the price the same.

Who can turn down a (cute little) bargain like that?? lol

Our salves are a fairly popular item at the Market right now. We have:

All-Natural Vapor Aid- Our version of Vicks Vapo-Rub without the chemicals. I use this for when my allergies kick up and rub it on my chest and cover with a tissue.

No Itch Salve- This one is a hot item lately. Lots of feedback from folks about how well it works to stop itching. We offer this one in a (cute little) 3oz size as well.image

Sore Muscle Balm- Not hot or smelly like Ben-gay, but deeply penetrating and relaxing for sore muscles. My husband, who has a physically demanding job uses this alot. Also in (a cute little) 3 oz.

Green Goop- This has been our family’s antibiotic salve forever. It’s healing ability is nothing short of miraculous. Works well for diabetic neuropathy pain and muscle stiffness too. We offer this one too in (a cute little) 3 oz larger size.

Simple Salve- Our version of vaseline, only chemical-free.

Black Drawing Salve- A good one to have on hand just in case. Works to draw out bug stingers, infection, ingrown toenails, etc. Excellent emergency snake-bite medication (that no one hopefully ever needs).

Arthritis Balm- Soothing remedy for achy joints. Best if used every day so that the herbs have a chance to deeply penetrate into the joints.

Stop by and see us at the Bartlesville Farmer’s Market some time! We’re there every Saturday morning. Supposed to be an awesome day tomorrow weather-wise. The radio station is supposed to be there and Jeff’s gonna be interviewed about Jordan’s Crossing. Exciting! πŸ˜€ Come say ‘hi’ and make faces at him. lol πŸ™‚


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