Probiotic Dill Relish

This is so simple and so tasty and so good for your gut health!

Just take 4-5 med-lg cukes and half an onion, and grate ’em up in a blender or food processor til they’re relish consistency. Put it in a bowl.

Then add 1 TB Himalayan pink salt (or sea salt). And 2-3 TB fresh dill or 2-3 tsp dried dill, and 4 TB kombucha or whey (the liquid from plain yogurt).

If you don’t have any kombucha or whey, you can use an extra TB of salt with success and it won’t be too salty tasting.

Using a wooden spoon, smoosh all of it into a quart size mason jar. Pack it down, making sure the solids are covered with the juices.

Put a lid on it and leave it on your counter for 2-4 days (depending on how cold your kitchen is). Start watching for bubbles. That’s it.

picklerelishWhen it gets bubbly, stick it in the fridge. It’ll keep for 3 weeks or so, if it lasts that long.

My husband’s comment, “This tastes just like regular relish.” Lol. Yepper. Sure does! We eat it on hamburgers, sandwiches, and by itself. Just like having a dill pickle on the side. Loads of happy probiotics for a happy digestive track!??

#Ditchthechemicals #Healthylifestyle #Cleanliving #JsCrossing #Probiotics #dillrelish

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