Magnesium Oil Products

Magnesium is a critical nutrient for so many different bodily functions. A lack of this mineral can effect so much. Low magnesium is often the source of headaches and migraines, poor concentration, restless legs, bowel troubles, fatigue, insomnia, fibromyalgia, mood disorders… and that’s just the bigger stuff!
I’ve been exploring magnesium oil lately. It’s actually a concentration of Magnesium Chloride which is found at the bottom of various seabeds around the world. It’s not really an “oil”, but since it feels slightly oily on the skin it’s been tagged as such. I’ve heard it described as ‘chalky’—as in when you run your finger over a piece of chalk. It does feel like that, but with a tiny sensation of sticky-ness to it.
The most effective way to absorb magnesium is through the skin (transdermal absorption). It goes straight into your blood vessels and muscles, and then on into your entire system. Taking it internally is good, but your digestive tract doesn’t always allow the nutrient to accomplish its full function. By using it topically it can have immediate benefits on things like external pain, muscle tension, insomnia, and… even wrinkles!😀 and then from there it travels inbound to effect your internal organs. Areas like your heart, brain, bones, and nervous system, etc.
This year at the Bartlesville Farmers Market we will have magnesium oil spray, magnesium oil lotion, and a Dead Sea Salt magnesium scrub. Everything needed to get more of this important mineral into your system!
Come see us starting Saturday May 7, 8-11:30am. And then every Saturday after through October. We’re on Frank Phillips and Keeler in downtown Bville. As you come in by the buffalo, you’ll find us just at the steps leading into the circle.
Come get your magnesium on!

#magnesium #magnesiumoil #magnesiumlotion #magnesiumscrub #bartlesvillefarmersmarket

P.S. I hope to write more about magnesium again in the future.

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