Living out in the country for my entire childhood, I never really participated much in all the hullabaloo of Halloween. What little candy or treats we got was from relatives or friends. However, when our kids were littles we moved into a neighborhood in town and decided to ‘do’ Halloween that year. We dressed the kids up and walked door to door. We gave the kids the standard orange, plastic jack o’lantern bucket 🎃 to carry. I was literally shocked at the amount of candy that was given. 😳 Their not-that- small buckets were entirely full and overflowing after just walking a block. We had to stop and go back home cuz there was nothing else to carry all the candy.
I hate to say this, but it was almost obscene.
A lot of folks disparage Halloween for religious reasons. I get that. I went through my time of sorting all of that out. In those years, I had just returned to the Lord after a time of falling away, and so being back into interacting with Christians, that next Halloween I was hit with a barrage of anti-Halloween literature and hard-line opinions by various Christian friends. For a time, I bought into it. But as I grew in the Lord, and learned to hear his voice for myself, he began to work on my heart, and lead me into His specific thoughts for our household at that time in our lives.
So, the next year, the kids got to dress up in homemade costumes and have fun w face paint, and instead of getting, getting, getting they happily gave to other children who came knocking. We handed out little pamphlets about Jesus, scripture verses, balloons, among other things, and only a little candy. A year or so later, we moved to the country and it became a non-issue again. I’m not saying what we did is “right” or that anyone else should do the same. However, I am saying this is what Jesus showed us at that time and place, and we followed HIM and had peace in it.
Thirty years later, now ‘the kids’ are out on their own with their families, and seeking the Lord’s voice for their own houses is on them now. However, with my husband and I being older, and looking at Halloween from a distance, I’d have to say, aside from the demonic and witchcraft end of things, if there’s anything that bothers me — it’s all the candy. It’s even more obscene than it was back in the day.
Now, I don’t object to a little candy here and there as a treat, mind you, but people today use candy as if it were food. Candy has no nutritional value. It rots teeth, is the main cause of obesity and diabetes, and breeds dysfunctional eating for a lifetime. More than just those things, the powers that be in the world are deliberately infusing false mindsets about food into us and our children, and using the superabundance of candy in large part to accomplish that. They want us unhealthy and to exploit our illnesses for their gain, in order to make us easier to control and manipulate. Our children are main the target. Read that again. Our children are the target. That should scare us.
This isn’t a conspiracy theory if one has eyes to see it, and the courage to admit it.
Recently, I was pondering the question: would Jesus celebrate Halloween? I think he would ask his Father first and if He said okay, then I see Jesus staying away from witchcraft and the satanic; the dark and the ghoulish, However, I do think he would be part of it in some way. I think he would find the way to be ‘in the world, but not of it’ in order to infuse good somehow.
This is just my own opinion, but I also believe he would find ways to do that without so much unhealthy candy. I think churches, if they’re going to celebrate and try to reach kids for Christ at holidays, should have a mind towards healing children instead of stealing their health, or at the very least aiding and abetting lack-of-health.
That’s not just Halloween either, but in everything. Candy is used in churches as prizes, incentives, and bribery much too often. Again, just my opinion. There are other options that are less destructive to a child’s body. Yes, they might cost more, both in money and thought, but isn’t it worth it to offer Christ and wholeness to children? I believe that was Christ’s entire ministry on earth.
As his hands and feet, shouldn’t it be ours as well?

The purpose of Jordan’s Crossing Herbal Connections is to promote the sharing of information about healthy, natural products and dietary supplements. JCHC’s views and opinions are INFORMATIONAL ONLY and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you are sick, injured or pregnant, please consult a licensed health care professional.