Covid Kills….but so does FEAR

Okay. We’re down to it. Cold and flu season. It’s never a pleasant time of year anyhow, but this year is much much worse. All the residual pandemic stir continues in the background. FEAR is still with us and still in our thinking.

Some of us have lost people to Covid. Some of us have been exposed to it. Some of us have gone through it. We’ve heard everything about how horrible it can be. More than that, we’ve got vivid imaginations, and the worst case scenario this year continually dogs us and haunts us.

ANXIETY and TENSION all around. AFRAID to go out, SCARED to be around others, FEARFUL of being with family even. DISTRESSED. NERVOUS. Total changes in our personalities. Folks who used to be people-persons are now shadows of their former selves. People who were laughing and always smiling and loving on others are now solemn and barely make eye contact cuz they’re so terrified. DISCOURAGEMENT is everywhere. Panic attacks. Depression. Suicide.

What kind of quality of life is it to live in that much FEAR??

People who were laughing and always smiling and loving on others are now solemn and barely make eye contact because they are so terrified.

Yes, Covid kills ..but so does FEAR. It kills joy. It kills personalities. It kills families. It kills peace. It kills hope. It kills faith. It kills love. It kills everything that’s GOOD about life and people.

FEAR is the real plague. All the what-ifs and may-bes that we live in. FEAR controlling our lives.

It’s TIME to take the bull by the horns and say, “NO MORE. I will not live in fear.” Determine it. Get mad about it if you have to. Be courageous and take your life back. Get back to normal. Get back to who you are. Yes, maybe it’s a new normal as they say. Well, then jump into the new thing, but whatever you do: REFUSE to FEAR IT.

I hope this doesn’t come across as too sanctimonious. These are the processes I myself have been going through with my own fears. For me, it’s been more than just Covid, but started with my stroke 6 years ago. Every year after, I’ve been so afraid when Autumn rolls around of getting any kind of illness whatsoever. Deathly afraid. I just could not face being that weak again in any measure–and the thought of enduring Covid is a hundred times worse.

But…and I wanna shout it from the rooftops! FEAR is no way to live life. Soundly and uncompromisingly resisting and rejecting FEAR is the only way to win the day and regain what’s been lost– which is LIFE.

Besides, it’s not right for a believer in Jesus Christ to give that big of a place to FEAR. I mean, how is FEAR trusting him? Have we given God our lives or not? Have we given him the right to do what he thinks best for us ..or not? Is he a good Father or an evil tyrant to us? It’s good to really dig and define exactly where you stand.

Bottom line…. the Lord is in control. He hasn’t quit being in charge of anything, including illness. Only what is his will for us can happen to us. We’re not at the mercy of any plague.

We’re only at the mercy of the FEAR we allow.

We’re not at the mercy of any plague. We’re only at the mercy of the FEAR we allow.

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