Covid-19 is God’s Mercy

Hey, y’all’s,
I don’t know about you, but when I heard that we had to go through to the end of April (and maybe even longer) with more corona-isolation I just felt really deflated and discouraged. I am just so ready for it to be over and for things to get back to normal. I just feel drained by it all. I’m burned out on constantly hearing about it, talking about it, thinking about it, continually having it in my head (and that’s without watching tv!).

I’m literally pooped out by this background fear swirling in my brain and all around everywhere. Not just over the virus, but there’s also fear for our economy and the rising cost of food, fear for our loved ones and friends, fear about the political end of things, fear about what they’re not telling us, fear of what we’re being manipulated into, and what this means for the future…..

Fear is just exhausting. 😷

Many people are saying this is the judgment of God on us. And yes, I believe it is in one sense. No, I don’t believe this is the ‘end of the world’ judgment, however I do believe God is allowing this situation out of his great Mercy and Love for us. Let me explain…..

You see, difficulties come. Tribulations come. Trials are the way life on this planet is wired. Through each trial, small, or big like this one, he gives us the opportunity to need him and to even cry out to him over what’s oppressing us (like huge amounts of fear). Difficulties and hardship also give us occasion to judge ourselves. They help us recognize our self-centeredness and lack of love towards others, and help us reject the ugly and the evil and what’s dark in ourselves.

This whole thing is a new learning curve for all of us in multiple directions. We need him in very practical ways nowadays. More than many of us ever have before. Food and necessities, medicine, money, working from home, schooling from home… making decisions to even leave home.

This whole thing is an opportunity to look to Jesus for help, to trust him, to need him. There’s nothing too small or too dumb that we can’t ask for help with. I think of my little grandchildren. I see their childish frustrations at times, and I ask them with kindness, “Do you want help?”. That’s what God is asking us now with our frustrations. If my grands stay stubbornly in their frustration and refuse help and try to do it themselves, then I let them and leave them alone. But if they admit their need and allow me to help them, then I step in—not doing the thing for them, or removing the problem, but helping them as they do it. With them.

So many people in this country say they believe in Jesus. Now is the time to see if you really do. That’s what’s being found out in all of this. Where your words stand. Do you say you belong to him? If so, are you looking to him to help you with everything you need and are feeling? Are you walking through this on your own, in your own strength and independence? ..Or together with him?

And I’m NOT pointing any fingers, friends. I’m being challenged right in this place too.

I read this quote on fb. It’s from a friend of a friend, though I don’t know his name: “Fear is natural…. the secret is knowing where to turn”. Psalm 56:3

Here’s a Bible study on Psalm 96 that helped me with Covid 19. It gave me a lot of encouragement and practical helps for going through this with Jesus.

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